Neander Jin is a festival hit in the USA! The film is an “Official Selection” by over fifteen festivals in the United States and had won thirteen awards.

After “The Best of Show” at the Indie Fest in La Jolla and “Emerging Narrative Feature Filmmaker” at the Geneva Film Festival, the second award in the category “Feature Comedy” came from the Indie Gathering in Ohio.

The Neander-Jin success story on the American Film Festival circuit continues. Jon Chardiet and Rick Zieff accepted on behalf of Florian Steinbiss Award No. 4 for "Best Feature Film" in Las Vegas at the Vegas Cine Fest.

Award No. 5 is a "Starfish" for Comedy in the category Feature Film at the prestigious 12th Moondance International Film Festival in Boulder, Colorado.
Award No. 6 is from the JamFest Indie Film Festival in Hammond, Louisiana.
Award No. 7 “Best Direction in a Feature Film”, Buffalo Niagara Film Festival and
Award No. 8 “Feature Film”, SkyFest VI Film Festival, Asheville, North Carolina.
Award No. 9 "Honorable Mention", Mockfest of Hollywood, L.A, California.
Award No. 10 "Official Best of Fest"
Award No. 11 "Honorable Mention", Los Angeles Movie Awards, L.A, California.
Award No. 12 "Excellence Award", Rincón International Film Festival Puerto Rico.
Award No. 13 Narrative Film Competition "Bronze Award", 2012 Oregon Film Awards.

There is also an growing interest in Neander Jin – The Return of the Neanderthal Man in India. The film was already screened at the Tamil Nadu International Film Festival, Chennai, India at the 10th Pune Internacional Film Festival, India and at the Dhaka International Film Festival, Bangladesh.

With more festivals and awards to come!

Official Selections:

Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
(Angaelica Film Festival)

Central Florida Film Festival

Rome International Film Festival

Naperville Independent Film Festival

Tenerife Film Festival

Vegas Cine Fest

Scottsdale International Film Festival

Boston Science Fiction International FF

Ischia Film Festival

Hoboken Film Festival

Geneva Film Festival

The Indie Fest

The Indie Gathering

Long Island Film Festival

FiLUMS - Lums International FF

Dhaka International FF

Tamil Nadu Internatinal FF

Pune International FF